There’s more to CrowdSurf HITs than meets the eye!
Transcription HITs are part of a much larger project to improve online media.
Want to know what happens after you hit submit?
- Your transcripts are combined with other transcripts, and compiled into full-length transcripts.
- After rigorous editing these transcripts become captions for online media ranging from entertainment to education.
Who uses these captions?
- The CrowdSurf mission is to solve media challenges for hard of hearing and second language viewers.
- Our focus is to build a community of optimistic and thoughtful crowds to create online media that is enjoyed by all, “for the crowd, by the crowd”.
Why does this matter to you, the transcriber?
- Our Guidelines and Quality Control Processes are intended to create the best product possible for the end user – deaf or second language viewers.
- These captions must be created and edited with readability in mind. Formatting must match the video, style must be consistent throughout, and the transcript must be a verbatim copy of the speaker’s words so that a deaf viewer understands the video as well as any other viewer.
- If something isn’t covered in our General Guidelines (we try to keep them as general as possible) keep in mind how the end result should look for a deaf viewer. Readability is key!
We take pride in providing on-demand transcription and captioning services that make online media more accessible and enjoyable for hard of hearing and second language users.