
7 Day Weekly Transcription Bonus

Hi CrowdSurfers! Transcription bonus structure has changed this week.  The minimum this week is 85 HITs! Make extra cash the minute you reach 85 HITs daily.  No matter your transcription style, each day you can qualify – everyone has a chance to make extra cash! Remember, the more you do the [...]

2018-10-22T10:45:11-07:00Categories: announcement|

7 Day Weekly Media Minute Bonus

Hello team! Media Minute Bonus structure remains as is for this week! Check it out: We are offering a few volume bonus tiers that will allow you to add a multiplier day to the days you meet or exceed the daily goal. EXAMPLE: If at the end of the week you: [...]

2018-10-22T07:11:23-07:00Categories: announcement|

7 Day Weekly Transcription Bonus

Hi CrowdSurfers! We will continue on for this week with the same bonus requirements! Make extra cash the minute you reach 75 HITs daily. We have lowered the minimum tier so no matter your transcription style, each day you can qualify – everyone has a chance to make extra cash! Remember, [...]

2018-10-15T07:24:20-07:00Categories: announcement|

7 Day Weekly Media Minute Bonus

Hello CrowdSurf team! Media Minute Bonus structure remains as is for this week! Check it out: We are offering a few volume bonus tiers that will allow you to add a multiplier day to the days you meet or exceed the daily goal. EXAMPLE: If at the end of the week [...]

2018-10-15T07:22:38-07:00Categories: announcement|

7 Day Weekly Transcription Bonus

Hi CrowdSurfers! Transcription bonus structure is staying unchanged for this week! Make extra cash the minute you reach 75 HITs daily. We have lowered the minimum tier so no matter your transcription style, each day you can qualify – everyone has a chance to make extra cash! Remember, the more you [...]

2018-10-08T07:32:19-07:00Categories: announcement|

7 Day Weekly Media Minute Bonus

Hello CrowdSurf team! No changes to the Media Minute Bonus structure for this week! Check it out: We are offering a few volume bonus tiers that will allow you to add a multiplier day to the days you meet or exceed the daily goal. EXAMPLE: If at the end of the [...]

2018-10-08T07:28:09-07:00Categories: announcement|

7 Day Weekly Transcription Bonus

Hi team! October is here! Transcription bonus structure is staying unchanged for this week! Make extra cash the minute you reach 75 HITs daily. We have lowered the minimum tier so no matter your transcription style, each day you can qualify – everyone has a chance to make extra cash! Remember, [...]

2018-10-01T07:21:21-07:00Categories: announcement|

7 Day Weekly Media Minute Bonus

Hello CrowdSurfers! No changes to the Media Minute Bonus structure for this week! Check it out: We are offering a few volume bonus tiers that will allow you to add a multiplier day to the days you meet or exceed the daily goal. EXAMPLE: If at the end of the week [...]

2018-10-01T07:19:39-07:00Categories: announcement|

7 Day Weekly Transcription Bonus

Hello CrowdSurf team! Transcription Bonus structure will remain as is for this last week of September! Make extra cash the minute you reach 75 HITs daily. We have lowered the minimum tier so no matter your transcription style, each day you can qualify – everyone has a chance to make extra [...]

2018-09-24T07:21:20-07:00Categories: announcement|