While you’re probably an expert at working from home by now, redesigning or reorganizing your workspace can have incredible benefits for productivity and mental well-being. By understanding the challenges that come with WFH life, you can tackle them head-on to create an engaging office space.

Multitasking is one of the biggest challenges for remote workers. It’s easy to jump from tab to tab or pick up your phone the moment your work doesn’t engage you. Blurring the lines between work and home life can lead to inefficiency, declining performance, and burnout, making it incredibly important to set up an office space separate from your personal space.

Designing a Mindful Home Office

Creating an office space within your home doesn’t have to involve a lot of space or the “perfect” space. Instead, it’s important to pick a space and stick with it to keep consistency. All five of your senses are important to consider when designing a home workspace, especially when it comes to limiting distractions.


Your visual decor selection is incredibly important for a workspace. One of the biggest choices you will have to make is the color of your walls. Painting the walls a bright or cheery color can help prevent burnout and dissatisfaction. When selecting other elements for your space, consider choosing objects and images that make you feel happy and peaceful.


Eliminating unnecessary sounds is essential for staying on task. Invest in a good pair of noise-canceling headphones, ambient noise, or soft music to help eliminate distractions. Personally, I find that playing instrumental-only music helps keep me on task


Smells have a huge influence on our emotions and psychological state. Try to select smells that feel comfortable to you or that are fresh and calming. Plants are a great option for creating fragrance (and they help purify your air!). Additionally, you can also try an essential oil diffuser or scented candles. Lavender and bergamot are known for being calming scents while peppermint, orange, and lemon can be energizing.


Keeping snacks and water on hand is a great way to keep yourself energized and focused. However, it’s important to practice mindful eating and taking a break from work for lunch and snacks. This will help create separation between work and personal time.


Sensory details can be just as important as visuals. Try to incorporate a range of textures in your workspace such as a soft cozy blanket for relaxing moments or a stress ball for anxiety management.

At the end of the day, your workspace only has to work for you. Go with colors, smells, or sounds that make YOU comfortable and productive, rather than traditional options.