It’s August!!
Time flies when you’re having fun! We’ve had an amazing summer with you!
We would like to thank you for all your hard and dedicated work!
We hope you continue to email us with any questions, concerns, or any feedback!
Currently, we are working hard on loading the queues with more work!
Please remember to subscribe to the CrowdSurfWork Newsletter and check your inboxes because we’re promoting!
Don’t forget, for the best work experience, join us on Work Market!
Here’s what you need to know this week:
- NEW Special Requirements: Read below for Level 5 requirements
- Weekly Bonuses will go out by Tuesday 8/9/16 11:59pm PT.
The CrowdSurf Team
Weekly Media Minute Bonus
Weekly Bonus tiers for 3.75+ QC score
- 75 mm
approved = $2.00 (That’s $0.02+/mm on every minute once you hit 75!!)
- 150 mm approved = $5.00
- 225 mm approved = $8.00
- 300 mm
approved = $11.00
- 450 mm approved = $17.00
- 500 mm approved = $20.00
- 600 mm approved = $30.00 (+$0.05 on every approved mm 601+)
*Note: mm = media minute
Important Payment Reminders
Level 4 – 7 Requirements:
To keep up with new customer volume, we’ve introduced requirements for the Weekly Media Minute Bonus. Make sure you have a QC score for the weekly bonus!
- If you’re in Level 4, 5, 6, and 7 we need you to submit at least FIVE Transcription Review (Review, edit, and score) Tasks to qualify for your Weekly Media Minute Bonus.
- If you’re in Level 5, we need you to submit at least THREE Full Text Review Tasks to qualify for your Weekly Media Minute Bonus.
- If you’re in Level 6, 7, we need you to submit at least ONE QC Reject Task to qualify for your Weekly Media Minute Bonus!
Weekly Media Minute Bonus Terms and Conditions
- Specified CrowdSurf tasks only – FTR, FTR-General Media, Speaker ID, Timing, QC, QC Reject.
- Applies to any combination of media minutes completed Monday August 1- Sunday August 7 2016 11:59 pm PST
- Bonus payable by midnight on TUESDAY August 9, 2016!
- Highest rate applies – tiers and prorates are not cumulative.
- Please see General Guidelines for help.
- Email with payment questions.
- Level 5 have special requirements this week.
- Bonuses are only available on CSW platform