FRENCH Transcription Test Video



You’ve reached this page because you requested to take the FRENCH assessment for CrowdSurf.

1) Click on this French Assessment Job 1

2) Use CrowdSurf’s General Guidelines to transcribe the video.

3) Enter your transcript into the comment box below.

4) Hit submit!

5) We’ll grade your transcript and get back to you!

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    If self-employed, put n/a.

    Your Worker ID, if applicable (required)
    If no Mturk,CSW, or WM ID, put n/a.

    Current CrowdSurf Level if applicable (required)
    If not in a level, put n/a.

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    French Transcription Task
    Watch the video below and transcribe (do NOT translate) the media according to the CrowdSurf General Guidelines and French language spelling and grammar.

    Enter your transcript here:

    Remember to proofread before you hit Submit!