Welcome to the Full Text Review tutorial page!


This is where you’ll fill in your contact information and complete a brief training task so that you can join the CrowdSurfWork Level 3 team!

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Complete the FTR tutorial in four easy steps!
Just input your contact information, copy/paste the original transcript, perform a Full Text Review of the transcript, then click submit!

FTR Tutorial Task

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    FTR Practice Task
    Watch the video below and edit the transcript according to the CrowdSurf General Guidelines and the FTR Guidelines.

    Edit your transcript here:
    Copy and paste the original transcript (see below) into the text box in order to edit it.

    Original Transcript:
    Two university of Ottawa hockey players have been charged with sex assault in connection with an incident involving Thunder Bay.
    Thunderbay police announced Friday that Guillaume Donovan and David Focher have each been charged with 1 count sexual assault.
    This is in connection with an incident that allegedly unfolded in a hotel in Thunderbay in [UNKNOWN] when the GGS where there for an away game.
    >>Now this investigate has expanded month included Thunder Bay police coming down to Ottawa to interview members of the team
    Now in June the university decided it was suspending the mens hockey program from the 2014-2015 year. They also fired their head coach.
    Now the university has said Friday that the charges do not change their decision to change to suspend the program. They are in the process of rebuilding the mens [UNKNOWN] hockey program.
    Now several players on the GGs team are considering legal action.
    They have retained a lawyer and [INAUDIBLE].
    From the Ottawa Sun, I am Danielle Bell.