Rollover = Big $!
By successfully completing a qualifying 2-week rolling average* you qualify for Rollover Rewards for the following week!
The rollover reward the following week …ALL your work defaults to highest applicable Rollover Bonus rate!
The details and examples below will help you better understand your rollover bonus payouts. You may want to keep this Blog handy so you can refer back to it around payment time.
Skip to CV Rollover QC Score of 3.90+
Skip to CV Rollover QC Score of 3.75 – 3.89
Skip to MTurk Rollover Example
Tiers & Rates
1. CV Rollover Benefits: QC Score of 3.90+
- A 2-week rolling average of 500+ Media Minutes earns $0.05 on ALL APPROVED Media Minutes the following week.
- As long as you maintain an average of 500 Media Minutes each week... the rollover continues!
- Week 1 = you worked 450 MM for a bonus of $18 (450 MM x $.04 )
- Week 2 = you worked 550 MM for a bonus of $27.50 (550 MM x $.05)
- Week 3 = Your rolling 2-week average equals 500 MM (450+550 / 2) which qualifies you for a Rollover base rate of $.05 in week 3
- You started week 3 with a Rollover base bonus of $.05 per MM regardless of volume, if you worked 100 MM you would receive a bonus of $5 (100 x $.05).
- Without Rollover you would have received a $2 bonus (100 x $.02).
- *Please note that these are not compounding bonuses you will always receive the higher of the two rates
1. CV Rollover Benefits: QC Score of 3.75 – 3.89
- A 2-week rolling average of 500+ Media Minutes earns $0.04 on ALL APPROVED Media Minutes the following week.
- As long as you maintain an average of 500 Media Minutes each week... the rollover continues
- Week 1 = you worked 450 MM for a bonus of $13.50 (450 MM x $.03 )
- Week 2 = you worked 550 MM for a bonus of $22 (550 MM x $.04)
- Week 3 = your rolling two week average equals 500 MM (450+550 / 2) which qualifies you for a Rollover base rate of $.04 in week 3
- You started week 3 with a Rollover base bonus of $.04 per Media Minutes regardless of volume, if you worked 100 MM you would receive a bonus of $4 (100 x $.04)
- Without Rollover you would have received a $2 bonus (100 x $.02)
- *Please note that these are not compounding bonuses you will always receive the higher of the two rates
1. MTurk Rollover Benefits:
- A 2-week rolling average of 1000 HITs earns $0.05 on all approved HITs the following week.
- A 2-week rolling average of 500 HITs earns $0.04 on all approved HITs the following week.
- As long as you maintain an average of 500 HITs each week... the rollover continues!
- Week 1 = you worked 450 HITs for a bonus of $18 (450 HITs x $.04 )
- Week 2 = you worked 1150 HITs for a bonus of $57.50 (1150 HITs x $.05)
- Week 3 = your rolling two week average equals 800 HITs (1150+450 / 2) which qualifies you for a Rollover base rate of $.04 in week 3.
- You started week 3 with a Rollover base bonus of $.04 per HITs regardless of volume, if you worked 100 HITs you would receive a bonus of $4 (100 x $.04).
- Without Rollover you would have received a $2 bonus (100 x $.02).
- If you worked 1000 HITs in week 3 you would qualify for the higher base volume bonus of $.05 per HIT giving you a bonus of $50 (1000 x $.05) rather than the base Rollover bonus of $40 (1000 x $.04).
*Please note that these are not compounding bonuses you will always receive the higher of the two rates.