Hello CrowdSurfers,

We have big news that impacts everyone who has ever worked a CrowdSurf HIT on Mturk.

CrowdSurf is adding Upwork as a new payment option!

Earlier this year, we launched our private CrowdSurfWork platform in order to create a more user-friendly experience for all of our freelancers.

We have invested much time and attention into making your experience the best that it can be. But there was link_icon_bluealways something preventing us from being completely independent on the CrowdSurfWork platform.

Now we have found the missing link – INSTANT PAYMENT OPTIONS through Upwork!

We are excited to announce that we will make work available on the private CrowdSurfWork platform again. And you will be able to  access the platform through Upwork!

We plan to move tasks to Upwork towards the end of July, so let’s get started!

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Step 1: Make your Freelancer account on Upwork, it’s easy and it takes less than 24 hours!
  • Step 2: Later we’ll post an Upwork job listing for Freelance Transcribers, apply and take a brief assessment!
  • Step 3: Start working on the private CrowdSurfWork platform and receive instant payments through Upwork!

Join us on Upwork today for additional payment options for CrowdSurf Transcription tasks!

Making your account is the first step. This is all you need to do today!

Later this month we will guide you through applying and working tasks through Upwork!



What does all of this mean for you?

We’ve created some Q&A’s so you can learn more about what the move to Upwork means for you!

Q.How do I join Crowdsurf on Upwork?
A. Just sign up for Upwork and create your freelancer account. Try to be as specific as possible with your bio, freelance interests, and previous work experience. Don’t forget a photo! The Upwork team will review your account in less than 24 hours.

Q. How will I get paid through Upwork?
A. CrowdSurf’s integration with Upwork allows you to get paid instantly, just like on Mturk, but with more choices! Upwork allows you to choose several different payment options including direct deposit and Paypal! Getting started early is imperative, as payments can take up to 3 days to verify.

Q. Is Upwork limited to U.S. citizens?
A. No, it’s not. Upwork welcomes freelancers from all over the world! Just one more reason to enjoy Upwork!

Q. Once I make my Upwork account, how do I access CrowdSurf tasks?
A. Once you’ve gone through the hiring process on Upwork, we will provide you with further instructions on what to do next! Also, stay tuned to the CrowdSurf blog, adding Upwork will require teamwork. We’re excited to work with you to accomplish this together!

Q. What will happen to the qualifications earned on MTurk if I do not have an Upwork account?
A.  On Upwork, you can take an assessment to migrate your existing qualifications to the CrowdSurfWork platform. We encourage you to make your account at your earliest convenience so that we can make sure all of your existing qualifications are migrated to Upwork.

Q. When will all CrowdSurf tasks be available on Upwork?
A. We plan to make CrowdSurf tasks available on Upwork by Friday July 24, 2015.  Upwork will exist as a payment alternative, and CrowdSurf work will be available as normal on Mturk!

Still have questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us at support@crowdsurfwork.com! We are happy to help.


The best part of Upwork!

The main benefits of making work available on Upwork include:

  1. More diverse payment options to fit your needs!
  2. Fewer restrictions on freelancers — work whenever, wherever you want!
  3. A totally customizable work experience on the clean and modern CrowdSurfWork platform!

Your new account on Upwork is the start of something great! We look forward to a bright future with CrowdSurf on Upwork!